Tuesday, January 12, 2010


i just logged in after months!! i know that cos with fear and a little regret, i looked at when my last post "promising" to post soon came up and it was october!! it wasnt the fact i did not get to do something that i really do enjoy a lot doing but it also meant that the system had gotten better of me... u promise urself that u will beat it, that u will make time to do other stuff, unfortunately i failed in that aspect... but hey its not all bad, the last semester was lotta work but also lotta fun that is if u enjoy being stuck in the lab for days together feasting on cheetos, snickers ( yeah make the usual 'ur becoming fat, nut' joke here) and caffeine...
anyway the semester has been done for some while now and i did try to sit down and get some kinda post going cos i did have some stuff...pretty interesting stuff that went on in my life...stuff which includes a robbery and a fire...to most of u poor souls who take the time to read this, both the news must be like prehistoric history but for those who i havent already excitedly reported my misfortunes of losing my laptop and being kicked outta my place, well here i go...
hmmm i am not quite sure, which happened first...the robbery or the fire (hmmm i give up... who cares anyway the end result would still be the same!!) so lets start with the break in... think it must have been a somewhere in the middle of the semester and things were really going at a breakneck speed at school...i was majorly stuck with VLSI( to be called henceforth as that about which we shall not talk about....yes i have been reading potten AGAIN!!)..so i was stuck with some assignment and after the usual stay in the lab after a couple of days, i came back home cos the rest of the lab began to complain that i smelt like something that the cat dragged in...so i forced myself to leave Marston hall, walk to the GRC bus-stop , freeze a little there and then take Route 31 to my apartment in Townehouse (yes its townehouse spelt with an e in it...dont ask, the landlord's daughters were hot...we were sold!!)...So i get home to find my roommates just waking up...aahh how i envy those who can sleep...
As my deadly laptop was already the deadbody, i borrowed ashwins (more famously known as achumani) laptop...30 mins later, the fourth roommate vikram henceforth called thalai came home, from the lab obviously...15 mins later he was searching for his laptop and 30 secs later, when i realised my laptop could not be found no the table (yeah!! i hadnt noticed till then) we realise the truth....we have been robbed!! We quickly chk if anything else was missing and nothing was (it was funny...i had an expensive camera on the table next to the laptop which was still there...only laptops?? y??)
post-robbery discovery reactions:
vikram-ayyo ayyo...oc la vandha laptop poche...ippo na kaasu kuduthu vaanganume!!
me-woohohoo!! new laptop!! (well thats jus me...always an optimist!! :P )
anyway we called 911 and reported it...3 mins later a officer was there...as expected, asked us a few koschtins about who we thought may have done it? of if we had any clue when it may have happened!! amazingly we had no clue...none whatsoever... how would we, we are hardly at home !! we asked him when the CSI team was gonna get there :D and believe it not, they dont come for all crime scenes actually(very very disappointed!!)...so us bagging a key that may been used by the burglar+ trying hard to not disturb the crime scene seemed pretty ridiculous...
and that was that...we got on with our work as usual...nothing much different for me, i wasnt using my laptop anyway (i smiled to myself thinking about how the robber may been cursing his bad luck for robbing the one place with the broken laptop!! :D hhahah suck it da!!)
well everything is not normal...i am still a little freaked to walk into the place alone...and hate it when i get the 'somebody is watching over my shoulder' feeling :( :( but i am getting used to it...
well thats it from me for now...i wil put up about the fire later...got some work to do with the semester just starting and research beckons!! :)
ps: feels great to be posting stuff again+ the cops think its an identity theft...thats y they went only for laptops..so a word of advice...store no passwords on ur laptop!!
pps: the cops called me a while back and asked if i had any leads+info!! omgwtfR#$#$#t???